Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla eu ligula semper, euismod lorem sed, sagittis felis. Vestibulum mattis sit amet tellus non ultricies. Mauris eget porttitor erat. Nullam eu scelerisque urna. Vestibulum in lacus et diam molestie convallis in ut lorem.
Ut sagittis consectetur arcu, sit amet dictum orci lacinia eget. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam magna ex, molestie elementum nisi et, molestie sodales nibh. Morbi iaculis maximus nibh in vulputate. Sed id facilisis nisi.
Donec cursus ex non lorem euismod, a congue sapien lacinia. Nulla dapibus felis vel leo vehicula tincidunt. Mauris posuere rhoncus luctus.
Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla aliquam diam sed ante viverra eleifend. Ut et feugiat sem, id vestibulum justo:
Our team will evaluate the incorporation of new partners whose projects share our mission, vision and values.
Accountable Parties
Who is responsible for collecting, processing and transferring your personal data?
NIF: B-57717035
Mailing Address: Ctra. Calas de Mallorca s/n. 07500. Manacor. Illes Balears
Phone: (+34) 971.171.680
Contact email for data protection: rgpd@rafanadalacademy.com
Subject Line: Data Protection
Registration in the General Register of Companies, Activities and Tourist Establishments
Name: Rafa Nadal Sports Centre
Registration Number: CTE/7
Electronic Registry: L12E9391
Address: Carretera Calas de Mallorca Km. 1,2, s/n, MANACOR.
Bussiness Operator: CENTRE ESPORTIU MANACOR, SL (B57717035)
Owner of the Stablishment: CENTRE ESPORTIU MANACOR, SL (B57717035)
What do we use your personal information for?
The information provided by interested parties is used for the following:
How long do we keep your data?
The personal data you provide is kept as long as the deletion is not requested by the interested party or as long as we need this information for administrative, accounting or tax purposes according to the regulation that enables us to do so.
What is the legitimacy of your data for?
The legal basis for processing your data is:
Who do we send your personal information to?
Group of companies and/or partners for the provision of services
Rafa Nadal Academy By Movistar
Rafa Nadal Museum Xperience
Sport Residence
Sport Cafe
Restaurante Sa Punta
NIF: B-57717035
Mailing address: Ctra. Calas de Mallorca s/n. 07500. Manacor. Illes Balears
Phone: (+34) 971.171.680
Contact email for data protection: rgpd@rafanadalacademy.com
Subject line: Data protection
Official Department for Data Protection
Email: rgpd@rafanadalacademy.com
NIF: B-07600992
Mailing address: Camí Son Ametler Vell, 250. 07141. Marratxi. Illes Balears
Phone: (+34) 971.17.16.76
Contact email for data protection: rgpd@rafanadalacademy.com
Subject line: Data protection
Official Department for Data Protection
Email: rgpd@rafanadalacademy.com
NIF: B-57941502
Mailing address: Ctra. Calas de Mallorca s/n. 07500. Manacor. Illes Balears
Phone: (+34) 971.17.16.78
Contact email for data protection: rgpd@rafanadalacademy.com
Subject line: Data Protection
Official Department for Data Protection
Email: rgpd@rafanadalacademy.com
NIF: U57871451
Mailing address: Ctra. Calas de Mallorca s/n. 07500. Manacor. Illes Balears
Phone: (+34) 971.17.16.78
Contact email for data protection: rgpd@rafanadalacademy.com
Official Department for Data Protection
Email: rgpd@rafanadalacademy.com
Companies in charge of managing the booking engine and the online store:
Booking for Sport Residence
NIF: B-57298010
E-mail: info@neobookings.com
Telf: 902 88 66 23
Fax: 971 34 08 22
Ibiza C/ Menéndez Pidal, 14 | Sant Antoni de Portmany (07820) | IBIZA
BarcelonaAv. Francesc Marimon, 90 | Esparreguera (08292) | BARCELONA
NIF: B57761470
C/Gremi d Hortalans 11 – Bloque 7 – 2ªPlanta – 07009, Palma de Mallorca (Baleares),
Phone: (+34) 971 227 997
Contact email: info@open-room.com
Official store for the Rafa Nadal Academy by Movistar
shop.rafanadalacademy.com REFINERIA WEB – ALBERT TOMÁS
CIF: B57459273
Gran Vía Asima. 20. Oficina 7.
Phone: (+34) 971 72 98 83
Email: info@refineriaweb.com
What are your rights when you provide us with your information?
Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation about how we treat his or her personal data. Interested individuals have the right to:
How do we obtain your information?
The personal data processed at CENTRE ESPORTIU MANACOR SL,through the web comes only from contact forms, cookies used, the online store and your newsletter request.
The categories of data are used: for contact forms:
Identification and contact information: name, phone and Email.
Regarding management booking by the booking engine and the sale of online products:
Identification and contact information: name, surname, mailing address, email, phone, bank details or credit card.
Cookies used on this website
In accordance with the obligation provided for in art. 22.2 of Law 34/2002, dated July 11, regarding the information society and electronic commerce services, you are informed that this website uses cookies.
A cookie is a very small encrypted text file that a web server can save on a computer’s hard drive to store information about the user. It can only be read by the website that sends it to the team.
Usually, websites use cookies to obtain statistical information about their web pages, and analyze the behavior of their customers.
A cookie is not an executable file nor can it propagate or contain a virus, and it cannot be longer than 4,000 characters.
We use cookie sessions to identify users and maintain their identification status. Cookie sessions are automatically deleted from the hard drive when the session ends. We also use cookies to collect anonymous and joint statistics that allow us to analyze the way users use our website, in order to improve it.
Certain cookies are not installed by CENTER ESPORTIU MANACOR SL, but by third parties who offer specific services to the user. Given that these third parties are the ones who carry out their implementation, blocking and uninstalling them is governed by their specific conditions and mechanisms. Below is a description of third party cookies authorized to place cookies on our web page:
Analytic cookies: collects statistical data from the activity on the web. They serve to measure, analyze and create data reports, in order to understand and optimize the use of the website. (Google Analytics)
Advertising cookies: user browsing interests, expressed preferences, interaction with the website, displayed and open ads as well as browsed web pages. Optimization of advertising spaces offered on websites that offer advertisements of interest to users, identify the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and improve them. (Google Adwords).
Affiliated Cookies: allow us to track visits from other websites where RAFA NADAL SPORTS CENTER has an affiliation contract with the website that visits or blocks third-party advertising cookies.
Through these links you can acquire information on how to configure your browser:
Firefox Thunderbird (https://support.mozilla.org/es/kb/cookies-informacion-que-lossitiosweb-guardan-en-?redirectlocale=en-US&redirectslug=Cookies
Internet Explorer (http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/internet-explorer/deletemanagecookies# ie=ie- 11 (http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/internet-explorer/deletemanagecookies#ie=ie- 11))
Google Chrome: (https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=es
Please keep in mind that not allowing certain cookies may affect the quality of your experience on our websites.
The user expressly accepts that this website uses its own and third party ‘cookies’ to offer a better experience and service. When browsing or using our services, the user accepts the use of ‘cookies’. However, the user has the option to prevent the generation of ‘cookies’ and the elimination of cookies by selecting the corresponding option on their browser. In case of blocking the use of ‘cookies’ on your browser it is possible that some services or features may not be available on the website. Our own Cookies are understood as: Those that are sent to the user’s device from a computer or domain managed by the editor and provided from the service by the user who has requested it.
When technically possible and effective, the recipient’s consent for accepting the processing of the data may be facilitated by using the appropriate parameters of the browser or other applications, provided that it must proceed to its configuration during the installation or update through an Express action for the intended purpose.
The foregoing shall not prevent the possible storage or access of a technical nature solely for the purpose of transmitting a communication over an electronic communications network, for the strict necessary extent, or the provision of a service from the information provider that is expressly requested by the recipient.
In this sense, we also inform you that the cookies used for any of the following purposes are exempt from compliance from the obligations established in article 22.2 of the LSSI:
-Only allow communication between the user’s device and the network.
-Strictly provide a service that has been requested by the user.
-We can conclude that the excluded cookies are those intended for:
-Cookies for «user input»
-Cookies to authenticate or identify the user (for only one session)
-Cookies for the user’s security.
-Cookies for the use of a multimedia session
-Cookies to balance the load of a session
-Cookies for customizing the user’s interface
-Cookies for plug-in to exchange social content
The user expressly accepts that this website uses its own and third party ‘cookies’ to offer a better experience and service. When browsing or using our services, the user accepts our use of ‘cookies’. However, the user has the option to prevent the generation of ‘cookies’ and the elimination of cookies by selecting the corresponding option in their browser. In case of blocking the use of ‘cookies’ on your browser it may be possible that some services or features of the website may not be available.
Making proper use of the service.
The terms of use and use of this website are subject to the laws in force and to the principles of good faith and unlawful use by the user. Any type of action that harms CENTER ESPORTIU MANACOR SL and is contrary to this Legal Notice is prohibited.
The user agrees to use this service without incurring in activities that may be considered illegal or unlawful, that infringe the rights of CENTER ESPORTIU MANACOR SL or third parties, or that may damage, disable, overload or deteriorate the service or prevent the normal use of the service to other users.
The user must refrain from making requests for content offered through the use of this website for procedures other than those that have been made available, other than those indicated on the website or other than those commonly used on the Internet, provided that they do not entail a risk of rendering the service or its contents unusable.
The use of this website for illegal or unauthorized or authorized purposes is prohibited and without limitation:
Any form of violation of third party rights (right to privacy, the images, intellectual, industrial and commercial property rights, etc.).
Make use of the contents of this website, any type of advertising such as sending unsolicited emails (spam) or similar communication.
Introduce computer viruses, defective files, or any other software or computer programs that may damage or cause unauthorized alterations of the content or systems accessible through this web page.
The rights of reproduction, distribution and public communication of the website are the property of CENTER ESPORTIU MANACOR SL. All texts, designs, content, structure, databases, logos, source codes and other elements of the website are protected by legislation and international treaties are in force on the subject.
CENTRE ESPORTIU MANACOR SL holds all the intellectual property rights necessary to exploit the website and the set of elements that make it up.
Any reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other form of exploitation of all or part of the website content, electronic means or otherwise, is strictly prohibited.
Violation of these rights will lead to the exercise of the corresponding legal, civil and/or criminal procedures. CENTER ESPORTIU MANACOR SL. is the owner of the trademarks, logos and domain names associated with the Services provided through its website, the reproduction or unauthorized use thereof is strictly prohibited.
The user is solely responsible for the infractions that may be incurred or the damages that may be caused to third parties due to the improper or illegitimate use of the website, possible damages or harm that may arise from interference, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone breakdowns or disconnections in the operation of the electronic or computer systems, motivated by causes beyond the company control, delays or blockages in the use of such systems caused by deficiencies or overloading of telephone lines, overloading the Internet system or other electronic systems.
Users make use of hyperlinks at their own risk. The links that appear on the website to other pages are established purely for informative purposes and do not imply any type of association with the linked websites, nor does it recommend products or services offered by those pages.
CENTRE ESPORTIU MANACOR SL. does not guarantee either the conditions, or the legality of the content, or the correct provision of services offered to users by third parties, which may be accessed through links established in these pages. CENTER ESPORTIU MANACOR SL. is not responsible for the hyperlinks that their clients may create through their web pages. CENTER ESPORTIU MANACOR SL. waves liability for “cookies” that third parties may install on the hard drives of the user’s computer. CENTER ESPORTIU MANACOR SL. is not liable for typographical errors or inaccuracies that may be seen in the contents of your website. Ultimately, the user is solely responsible for the use made of the services, content, links and hypertext included in the website.
Spanish legislation shall apply for any litigious issues that may arise regarding the interpretation, application and/or compliance with this Legal Notice, as well as the claims that may arise from its use. The involved parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Spanish Courts and Tribunals in case of conflict, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them.
In accordance with the obligation provided for in art. 22.2 of Law 34/2002, dated July 11, regarding the information society and electronic commerce services, you are informed that this website uses cookies.
What’s a “cookie”?
A cookie is a very small encrypted text file that a web server can save on a computer’s hard drive to store information about the user. It can only be read by the website that sends it to the team.
Usually, websites use cookies to obtain statistical information about their web pages, and analyze the behavior of their customers.
A cookie is not an executable file nor can it propagate or contain a virus, and it cannot be longer than 4,000 characters.
Which ones are used at the Rafa Nadal Sports Centre?
We use cookie sessions to identify users and maintain their identification status. Cookie sessions are automatically deleted from the hard drive when the session ends. We also use cookies to collect anonymous and joint statistics that allow us to analyze the way users use our website, in order to improve it.
Third party cookies on the Rafa Nadal Sports Centre web
Certain cookies are not installed by CENTER ESPORTIU MANACOR SL, but by third parties who offer specific services to the user. Given that these third parties are the ones who carry out their implementation, blocking and uninstalling them is governed by their specific conditions and mechanisms. Below is a description of third party cookies authorized to place cookies on our web page:
How to manage “cookies” on the browser?
Through these links you can acquire information on how to configure your browser:
Please keep in mind that not allowing certain cookies may affect the quality of your experience on our websites.
How can we obtain your permission to use cookies and how can we use them?
The user expressly accepts that this website uses its own and third party ‘cookies’ to offer a better experience and service. When browsing or using our services, the user accepts the use of ‘cookies’. However, the user has the option to prevent the generation of ‘cookies’ and the elimination of cookies by selecting the corresponding option on their browser. In case of blocking the use of ‘cookies’ on your browser it is possible that some services or features may not be available on the website. Our own Cookies are understood as: Those that are sent to the user’s device from a computer or domain managed by the editor and provided from the service by the user who has requested it.
When technically possible and effective, the recipient’s consent for accepting the processing of the data may be facilitated by using the appropriate parameters of the browser or other applications, provided that it must proceed to its configuration during the installation or update through an Express action for the intended purpose.
The foregoing shall not prevent the possible storage or access of a technical nature solely for the purpose of transmitting a communication over an electronic communications network, for the strict necessary extent, or the provision of a service from the information provider that is expressly requested by the recipient.
In this sense, we also inform you that the cookies used for any of the following purposes are exempt from compliance from the obligations established in article 22.2 of the LSSI:
The user expressly accepts that this website uses its own and third party ‘cookies’ to offer a better experience and service. When browsing or using our services, the user accepts our use of ‘cookies’. However, the user has the option to prevent the generation of ‘cookies’ and the elimination of cookies by selecting the corresponding option in their browser. In case of blocking the use of ‘cookies’ on your browser it may be possible that some services or features of the website may not be available.
Own or strictly necessary cookies | ||
Cookie | Information(*) | Purpose |
ASP.net | Information about unique session identifier | Maintain user session information |
NetScaler | Session load control in load balancer | It allows to improve the load of the nodes that give service of applications |
AutologinDomain | User information (username and password) of the product you are browsing | It is used to allow access to other contracted products, without retyping your credentials |
CookiePDF | Validation in the Multimedia document repository (avi, pdf, jpg, …) | Control access to the display of multimedia documents included in the product (pdf, rtf, gif, tif, avi, etc.) depending on whether you are a customer or not |
BackSpaceIds | Browsing history | Control the “back button” of the browser to display the pages that have previously been browsed |
myCookie | Product user encrypted password | It allows not having to type the password of the product when accessing it, if this option has been selected |
Count | Depending on the option selected by the client, it shows or not the popup of the product (welcome) to the product |
Accountable Parties
Who is responsible for collecting, processing and transferring your personal data?
NIF: B-57717035
Mailing Address: Ctra. Calas de Mallorca s/n. 07500. Manacor. Illes Balears
Phone: (+34) 971.171.680
Contact email for data protection: rgpd@rafanadalacademy.com
Subject Line: Data Protection
Registration in the General Register of Companies, Activities and Tourist Establishments
Name: Rafa Nadal Sports Centre
Registration Number: CTE/7
Electronic Registry: L12E9391
Address: Carretera Calas de Mallorca Km. 1,2, s/n, MANACOR.
Bussiness Operator: CENTRE ESPORTIU MANACOR, SL (B57717035)
Owner of the Stablishment: CENTRE ESPORTIU MANACOR, SL (B57717035)
What do we use your personal information for?
The information provided by interested parties is used for the following:
How long do we keep your data?
The personal data you provide is kept as long as the deletion is not requested by the interested party or as long as we need this information for administrative, accounting or tax purposes according to the regulation that enables us to do so.
What is the legitimacy of your data for?
The legal basis for processing your data is:
Who do we send your personal information to?
Group of companies and/or partners for the provision of services
Rafa Nadal Academy By Movistar
Rafa Nadal Museum Xperience
Sport Residence
Sport Cafe
Restaurante Sa Punta
NIF: B-57717035
Mailing address: Ctra. Calas de Mallorca s/n. 07500. Manacor. Illes Balears
Phone: (+34) 971.171.680
Contact email for data protection: rgpd@rafanadalacademy.com
Subject line: Data protection
Official Department for Data Protection
Email: rgpd@rafanadalacademy.com
NIF: B-07600992
Mailing address: Camí Son Ametler Vell, 250. 07141. Marratxi. Illes Balears
Phone: (+34) 971.17.16.76
Contact email for data protection: rgpd@rafanadalacademy.com
Subject line: Data protection
Official Department for Data Protection
Email: rgpd@rafanadalacademy.com
NIF: B-57941502
Mailing address: Ctra. Calas de Mallorca s/n. 07500. Manacor. Illes Balears
Phone: (+34) 971.17.16.78
Contact email for data protection: rgpd@rafanadalacademy.com
Subject line: Data Protection
Official Department for Data Protection
Email: rgpd@rafanadalacademy.com
NIF: U57871451
Mailing address: Ctra. Calas de Mallorca s/n. 07500. Manacor. Illes Balears
Phone: (+34) 971.17.16.78
Contact email for data protection: rgpd@rafanadalacademy.com
Official Department for Data Protection
Email: rgpd@rafanadalacademy.com
Companies in charge of managing the booking engine and the online store:
Booking for Sport Residence
NIF: B-57298010
E-mail: info@neobookings.com
Telf: 902 88 66 23
Fax: 971 34 08 22
Ibiza C/ Menéndez Pidal, 14 | Sant Antoni de Portmany (07820) | IBIZA
BarcelonaAv. Francesc Marimon, 90 | Esparreguera (08292) | BARCELONA
NIF: B57761470
C/Gremi d Hortalans 11 – Bloque 7 – 2ªPlanta – 07009, Palma de Mallorca (Baleares),
Phone: (+34) 971 227 997
Contact email: info@open-room.com
Official store for the Rafa Nadal Academy by Movistar
shop.rafanadalacademy.com REFINERIA WEB – ALBERT TOMÁS
CIF: B57459273
Gran Vía Asima. 20. Oficina 7.
Phone: (+34) 971 72 98 83
Email: info@refineriaweb.com
What are your rights when you provide us with your information?
Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation about how we treat his or her personal data. Interested individuals have the right to:
How do we obtain your information?
The personal data processed at CENTRE ESPORTIU MANACOR SL,through the web comes only from contact forms, cookies used, the online store and your newsletter request.
The categories of data are used: for contact forms:
Identification and contact information: name, phone and Email.
Regarding management booking by the booking engine and the sale of online products:
Identification and contact information: name, surname, mailing address, email, phone, bank details or credit card.
Cookies used on this website
In accordance with the obligation provided for in art. 22.2 of Law 34/2002, dated July 11, regarding the information society and electronic commerce services, you are informed that this website uses cookies.
A cookie is a very small encrypted text file that a web server can save on a computer’s hard drive to store information about the user. It can only be read by the website that sends it to the team.
Usually, websites use cookies to obtain statistical information about their web pages, and analyze the behavior of their customers.
A cookie is not an executable file nor can it propagate or contain a virus, and it cannot be longer than 4,000 characters.
We use cookie sessions to identify users and maintain their identification status. Cookie sessions are automatically deleted from the hard drive when the session ends. We also use cookies to collect anonymous and joint statistics that allow us to analyze the way users use our website, in order to improve it.
Certain cookies are not installed by CENTER ESPORTIU MANACOR SL, but by third parties who offer specific services to the user. Given that these third parties are the ones who carry out their implementation, blocking and uninstalling them is governed by their specific conditions and mechanisms. Below is a description of third party cookies authorized to place cookies on our web page:
Analytic cookies: collects statistical data from the activity on the web. They serve to measure, analyze and create data reports, in order to understand and optimize the use of the website. (Google Analytics)
Advertising cookies: user browsing interests, expressed preferences, interaction with the website, displayed and open ads as well as browsed web pages. Optimization of advertising spaces offered on websites that offer advertisements of interest to users, identify the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and improve them. (Google Adwords).
Affiliated Cookies: allow us to track visits from other websites where RAFA NADAL SPORTS CENTER has an affiliation contract with the website that visits or blocks third-party advertising cookies.
Through these links you can acquire information on how to configure your browser:
Firefox Thunderbird (https://support.mozilla.org/es/kb/cookies-informacion-que-lossitiosweb-guardan-en-?redirectlocale=en-US&redirectslug=Cookies
Internet Explorer (http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/internet-explorer/deletemanagecookies# ie=ie- 11 (http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/internet-explorer/deletemanagecookies#ie=ie- 11))
Google Chrome: (https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=es
Please keep in mind that not allowing certain cookies may affect the quality of your experience on our websites.
The user expressly accepts that this website uses its own and third party ‘cookies’ to offer a better experience and service. When browsing or using our services, the user accepts the use of ‘cookies’. However, the user has the option to prevent the generation of ‘cookies’ and the elimination of cookies by selecting the corresponding option on their browser. In case of blocking the use of ‘cookies’ on your browser it is possible that some services or features may not be available on the website. Our own Cookies are understood as: Those that are sent to the user’s device from a computer or domain managed by the editor and provided from the service by the user who has requested it.
When technically possible and effective, the recipient’s consent for accepting the processing of the data may be facilitated by using the appropriate parameters of the browser or other applications, provided that it must proceed to its configuration during the installation or update through an Express action for the intended purpose.
The foregoing shall not prevent the possible storage or access of a technical nature solely for the purpose of transmitting a communication over an electronic communications network, for the strict necessary extent, or the provision of a service from the information provider that is expressly requested by the recipient.
In this sense, we also inform you that the cookies used for any of the following purposes are exempt from compliance from the obligations established in article 22.2 of the LSSI:
-Only allow communication between the user’s device and the network.
-Strictly provide a service that has been requested by the user.
-We can conclude that the excluded cookies are those intended for:
-Cookies for «user input»
-Cookies to authenticate or identify the user (for only one session)
-Cookies for the user’s security.
-Cookies for the use of a multimedia session
-Cookies to balance the load of a session
-Cookies for customizing the user’s interface
-Cookies for plug-in to exchange social content
The user expressly accepts that this website uses its own and third party ‘cookies’ to offer a better experience and service. When browsing or using our services, the user accepts our use of ‘cookies’. However, the user has the option to prevent the generation of ‘cookies’ and the elimination of cookies by selecting the corresponding option in their browser. In case of blocking the use of ‘cookies’ on your browser it may be possible that some services or features of the website may not be available.
Making proper use of the service.
The terms of use and use of this website are subject to the laws in force and to the principles of good faith and unlawful use by the user. Any type of action that harms CENTER ESPORTIU MANACOR SL and is contrary to this Legal Notice is prohibited.
The user agrees to use this service without incurring in activities that may be considered illegal or unlawful, that infringe the rights of CENTER ESPORTIU MANACOR SL or third parties, or that may damage, disable, overload or deteriorate the service or prevent the normal use of the service to other users.
The user must refrain from making requests for content offered through the use of this website for procedures other than those that have been made available, other than those indicated on the website or other than those commonly used on the Internet, provided that they do not entail a risk of rendering the service or its contents unusable.
The use of this website for illegal or unauthorized or authorized purposes is prohibited and without limitation:
Any form of violation of third party rights (right to privacy, the images, intellectual, industrial and commercial property rights, etc.).
Make use of the contents of this website, any type of advertising such as sending unsolicited emails (spam) or similar communication.
Introduce computer viruses, defective files, or any other software or computer programs that may damage or cause unauthorized alterations of the content or systems accessible through this web page.
The rights of reproduction, distribution and public communication of the website are the property of CENTER ESPORTIU MANACOR SL. All texts, designs, content, structure, databases, logos, source codes and other elements of the website are protected by legislation and international treaties are in force on the subject.
CENTRE ESPORTIU MANACOR SL holds all the intellectual property rights necessary to exploit the website and the set of elements that make it up.
Any reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other form of exploitation of all or part of the website content, electronic means or otherwise, is strictly prohibited.
Violation of these rights will lead to the exercise of the corresponding legal, civil and/or criminal procedures. CENTER ESPORTIU MANACOR SL. is the owner of the trademarks, logos and domain names associated with the Services provided through its website, the reproduction or unauthorized use thereof is strictly prohibited.
The user is solely responsible for the infractions that may be incurred or the damages that may be caused to third parties due to the improper or illegitimate use of the website, possible damages or harm that may arise from interference, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone breakdowns or disconnections in the operation of the electronic or computer systems, motivated by causes beyond the company control, delays or blockages in the use of such systems caused by deficiencies or overloading of telephone lines, overloading the Internet system or other electronic systems.
Users make use of hyperlinks at their own risk. The links that appear on the website to other pages are established purely for informative purposes and do not imply any type of association with the linked websites, nor does it recommend products or services offered by those pages.
CENTRE ESPORTIU MANACOR SL. does not guarantee either the conditions, or the legality of the content, or the correct provision of services offered to users by third parties, which may be accessed through links established in these pages. CENTER ESPORTIU MANACOR SL. is not responsible for the hyperlinks that their clients may create through their web pages. CENTER ESPORTIU MANACOR SL. waves liability for “cookies” that third parties may install on the hard drives of the user’s computer. CENTER ESPORTIU MANACOR SL. is not liable for typographical errors or inaccuracies that may be seen in the contents of your website. Ultimately, the user is solely responsible for the use made of the services, content, links and hypertext included in the website.
Spanish legislation shall apply for any litigious issues that may arise regarding the interpretation, application and/or compliance with this Legal Notice, as well as the claims that may arise from its use. The involved parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Spanish Courts and Tribunals in case of conflict, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them.